Happy Birthday Lily!

To my Gorgeous niece Lily!

I can’t begin to put into words how ver much I love you.  Each year you grow into an even more kind, sweet, intelligent, beautiful and strong young woman.  YOu bring so much joy and happiness to so many lives. You have such a huge heart that is evident in the way you love your family and friends.

Never forget how very much you are loved and adored and how very proud of you I am.  I feel so ver lucky to have the bond with you that I do and I will forever cherish it and hold you close to my heart.

Happy, Happy, Happy 12th Birthday!

Love, Love, Love!

Aunt Jamie!

Happy Birthday Katie

Today is my sister’s, Katie, Birthday!  My beautiful, sarcastic, amazing sister.

Katie, I wish you happiness, success, that your wishes come true, your dreams become a reality and that life has many happy surprises for you! I am so happy that you are not just my sister, but one of my very best friends.  I love the time we share together, the laughs we have and all our long talks.  I am so very blessed to have you for my sister!





So I’ve had my bike for a few weeks now and I’ve been putting some serious mileage on it.  I started out doing about 8 to 12 miles a day and now I’ve moved onto the 23 to 30 mile a day range.  The first few rides were with my mom, then I did a ride with my sister and the next day was with my sister and brother-in-law. It has become quite a family affair.  Kevin is rather bummed out that he is stuck at  home while we take off on the bikes but he’s decided that once he saves up for a few other things (wink, wink) then he’ll buy a bike and do the ride with me next year! This year he plans to volunteer with my mom.

But I digress.  Last week I was doing about 23 to 30 mile rides.  I did them on my own because I wanted to see how I would be able to motivate myself and what kind of zone I can get myself in since I will be doing the ride on my own this year.  Yes there will be a few of my YSC friends who will be doing the ride as well but I’m pretty sure there will be times when some of us may take off or slow down and be on our own, so I wanted to make sure I could handle the solo riding.

I have to tell you, handle it I did. I really enjoyed riding that far on my own.  I just got in my zone and peddled.  It was so nice to be alone with my thoughts. I was able to work through some issues and talk to Tracy.  Honestly I talked to her a lot when I was doing the last few hills.  At times I felt like she was right there with me, urging me to go just one more mile, and push it just a little further.  When all was said and done my legs felt like jello and my dupe was on fire but it felt so damn good.  I love the ache you get after a good work out.  It  reminds you that you are ALIVE and HEALTHY and ABLE-BODIED.  You know what I mean? Maybe I’m nuts but it feels almost spiritual.  Let’s do a visual….

You are in all your biking gear. Shorts, shirt, helmet, gloves, shoes.  You have a water bottle and protein bar.  You do a quick stretch and then clip into your bike and head out.  You start off at a relatively good clip.  You can feel each of your leg muscles working to propel yourself forward.  You’re pulling and pushing with each turn of the pedal.  You’re hands grip the soft tape that is wrapped around your handle bars.  A cool wind brushes your cheek, some leaves rustle off to your left as a squirrel aborts his last-minute suicide mission of bounding out in front of you.  Your breath steadies and you fall into the rhythm of it.  Thoughts that had been clouding your brain start to ease.  The shopping list and the birthday presents that you need to buy drift from thought.  What So and So did to piss you off has skipped town and no longer invades your calm.  Your mind has cleared.  And then, you feel her.  You feel her presence. The familiarness of her.  And you look to your side thinking that you’re going to see her riding right next to you.  And though you don’t, you still FEEL her.  “You’re here.”, you think in your head.  And though the day started as overcast the sun suddenly bursts through the clouds, spilling light all over your face and on the bare of your skin.  Almost as if she was answering your question, “You bet your ass I am, kiddo. I’m always here, haven’t you figured that out yet?”.  And you haven’t, but now your starting to get it.  So you smile, hell there is even a tear or two and you quickly wipe them away and settle into your saddle, dig deep and pedal harder and further knowing that you really aren’t alone and she’s always going to be there, right next to you, never missing a moment of your life and cheering you on closer than you could have ever imagined.  She has a front row seat to your life and a glass of wine in her hand.

Love, Love, Love

A GIANT Thank You!

Yesterday I got the very exciting news that I am the recipient of a brand new GIANT bike! Woo Hoo!  I got a bike! I got a bike!  Around 11am yesterday an email hit my BB saying that there was a bike assembled and ready for me to pick up at a local bike shop. Upon reading the news I began to jump up and down and screech like a little girl.  I then proceeded to run around looking for people to tell.  It was hysteria by little me.

So off I went to pick up my GIANT bike.  It’s so bad ass!  It’s light and its fitted to me and it’s just plain cool.  I’ve taken it on a few spins around my neighborhood but it hasn’t been on its maiden ride yet because I am waiting on a surprise package that I will be receiving from GIANT that will most like contain a helmet.  Plus my mom has decided to purchase a bike for herself so that she could train with me.  My sister Liza also purchased a bike today because she and my brother-in-law will be competing in a triathlon in June and we plan to do some riding together as well.

So I got my GIANT bike and I’m getting ready to start my training within the week.  Stay tuned!

Again, a BIG, BIG thanks to Tabetha at GIANT, GIANT Bikes, Lisa, Karen and the rest of my YSC girlies who got me going. I am so ready for this!

Love, Love, Love!

2 Cute Nipples…..

Yesterday I headed to Dr. S’ office to have him make sure I was healing well and to have some bandages removed.  In I went with my mom and nephew in tow, though he did sit in the waiting room playing his DS while we went into see my doctor.

Once in the office I was super nervous.  I started to feel light headed and sick to my stomach.  I was just so nervous with how things were going to look and how I was going to feel and adjust, yet again, to my ever-changing body. You know, there are actually some people out there who think that I should just focus on the bright side of all this.  “Look Jamie, you’ve got bigger and better boobs that will never sag!”.  Or, “Now your breasts and nipples will always be perfect and you don’t have to wear a bra!”.  Now don’t get me wrong, those thoughts are helpful when you are having a really rough day and you need to find SOMETHING, hell ANYTHING to put a positive spin on the whole thing.  But honestly those really aren’t positives at all.  I know some women get breast augmentation, but they do it because they WANT TO!  I had NO CHOICE.  I HAD to do it.  I loved myself the way I was and I was happy to grow old with the body god gave me.  But to be forced to do something so dramatic and severe to ones body with no other options just plain sucks.  So with each surgery I get it takes a few days of being able to relax and wrap my head around my body looking different again.  Then it takes a few more days or even weeks to get the courage to look at those changes.  And then it usually takes months to get used to the new changes and then a few more months to accept the changes and love them.  So though there may be some out there who think the thoughts I’ve noted above or think, “hey you are getting closer to looking normal”, it’s just not the case.  Don’t get me wrong. My doctor has done a phenomenal job! My scars are practically invisible, covered by my new nipples and aureola.  My breasts look incredibly natural and feel pretty damn close to natural.  But to me it will always feel different.

I have had a few people ask me what I feel now.  The best way I can describe is that I feel like I have a bra on 24/7 even when I don’t.  I don’t feel like I have straps on my back or shoulders but you know how your breasts feel in the cup of a bra and you kinda have the tight feeling and you can’t wait to just take your bra off so your breasts can just Be Free and Breathe! Yeah, it feels like that but I will never have that Be Free feeling again when my bra comes off. As for sensations to touch well its half and half.  When certain parts of my breasts are touched I can feel it, other times it feels like someone shot me up with Novocaine and all I feel is pressure and other spots I feel nothing at all. To me that is the weirdest and suckiest part of all. I know someone is touching me but I can’t feel it.  Do you have any idea how bizarre that is? So there is no, “Don’t you feel more normal now that you are completing all your surgeries?”.  It’s getting used to a whole new normal.  Better yet, a whole new FEELING of normal.

But I digress, back to my doctor’s appointment.  So the my super awesome nurse came in to begin removing my bandages and nipple protectors.  The process took a little longer and was a little more uncomfortable than it should have been because of the small complication I had after surgery. Since I bled a bit the bandages were sticking to the surgical site so it took some cutting and coaxing of the bandages before they came off.  I refused to look at the final result when the bandages finally did come off. Instead I was staring intently at my mother waiting to see her reaction.  That woman is a steel trap! I couldn’t read a damn thing off her face.  So I squeezed her hand and asked her to tell me the truth.  “They look good! They look like real nipples and your scars are practically covered.  You know what they look like? It looks like you just walked out of the shower, you know what I mean?” Ha! Yeah, I know what you mean lady.

So Dr. S pops in with a big smile and asks, “Have you seen them?”.  I tell him I’m not ready to look and he gives me a look and says, “WHY NOT?!?! You have really cute new nipples!!!!”.  HA! You have got to love the man.  So he shakes his head and starts to put some dressings and nipple protectors on me. NO!! No more! UGH!! What a pain the ass.  2 more weeks of the new bandages and protectors and then they come off for good.  The good thing about these are that I can take them off to shower and I can wear a bra over them so I don’t look too much like Madonna.

So it’s one more week until I can start to work out again and 2 weeks until I’m done with bandages and my nipple protectors.  Near the beginning of the summer will be when I go in for my final procedure.  Dr. S will be coloring in/tattooing where he has made my aureola.  Just a little bit of color or some detailing, if you will.

I’m looking forward to the completion of my Tatas.  I’m slowly getting my life back and settled and adjusting to my new normal.  It’s been such a long road that I often wonder how things will be once it’s over and I no longer have to think about any of this anymore until I have to go in for my twice yearly scans.  I’m looking forward to it.  That and my hair growing back!!

Love, Love, Love!