Happy Birthday Tracy!!

Today is Tracy’s 42nd Birthday, and our first birthday without her.  To say I am heartbroken to not be able  to celebrate today with her here is an understatement. But I will all find a way to toast her in my own way.

Tracy was and is the ultimate survivor. She was a tough as nails bad ass with one of the biggest and softest hearts.  She was silly and goofy and thought she was the best dancer EVER, even though we tried to tell her different. She adored her family, cherished her friends and never took one day of her life for granted.

One of my most favorite memories I have of Tray is from about 2 years ago.  Tracy, our dear friend Sarah and I went out for a night on the town in good old NYC!!! We started the night out at The Bubble Lounge, enjoying very expensive champagne and too expensive snackage. I taught Sarah and Tray the proper way to do the MySpace/Facebook fishy-face and then spent the next hour making fishy faces for the camera perfecting our sassy pouts. From the Bubble Lounge we hopped to a few other clubs and found them dull and not up to our speed at all. So I took them to my stomping grounds. McFadden’s!!

I can’t even begin to tell you the fun we had. I have a few close friends that work there and for the night they treated us like VIP. Free drinks, our choice of music and our own table/section on the dance floor. My favorite part of the night was getting my sister up on the bar with me to shake our very fine arses!! And yes even poor Sarah was dragged on top of the bar to partake in our raunchy dance. Yes I have the pictures to prove it!!

My sister glowed that night. Her smile was so wide is must have hurt. We laughed till we doubled over and danced till our calf muscles quivered!! It will be a night that I will always remember. A night we celebrated life, love and having one another.

Today is Tracy’s birthday. I miss her, I love her and I aspire to be as strong, beautiful and courageous as only she could be.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY BIG SISTER!!! I love you with all of my heart!

*Please enjoy the video I have posted below. It is a video of Tracy on her 40th Birthday when she rode a motorcycle from Scotland to England with other amazing survivor from Amazon Heart. I’m sure you know the words… Please sing along….. LOUD!!!

Love, Love, Love!

And Then There Was ONE!!!

Yes, only 1 chemo to go! That’s it. JUST ONE! Can you imagine? Are we even able to wrap our heads around this? After 6 months and nearly 16 treatments I am coming to the end of this craptastic journey! 

It hasn’t even hit me yet. My family and friends are so excited for me. They’re jumping up and down, celebrating and asking just how excited I am and for me, I just can react. It hasn’t hit me yet. I don’t think it will really hit me until this Friday when I am sitting in my chemo chair for the last time. It will be the last time that I will get stuck with an IV in order to administer my life saving poison.  And after all is said and done, my life can go back to normal. Well, a new normal I suppose.

My hair will grow back. I will finally be able to taste food again. My energy will slowly be on the rise. The color will come back to my face.  And I will slowly be able to put all my focus on other areas of my life. 

Mom and Dad are going away to Maine this week for their wedding anniversary so my sister Katie will be driving up from Maryland to take me to my last treatment.  I’m so happy she’s going to be here with me.  She has a wicked sense of humor that will keep me smiling but she also knows how HUGE this day is so if there are a few tears shed she’ll either wipe mine away or cry right along with me. 

I feel like my life has been in a holding pattern these last few months. So much of my life has been put on hold while I’ve trucked to this finish line.  My whole life has revolved around my treatments, getting through them as healthy as possible and reaching this finish line. And now it’s nearly here.

I have no idea what life will be like or even feel like once Friday is said and done.  Is it weird to say that I’m afraid?  What comes next?  As far as treatments, I am done. There is no need for radiation or any type of pills.  My only follow up will be to get scans every few months for 5 years and then yearly every year after that. Plus there will be check-ups with my oncologist. But what of my life? My day to day being and existence?

I have thrown myself into this fight. So much so that I don’t think I’ve ever really let it hit me that I have lost my sister. Yes, I know Tracy is gone but I never really let myself experience the full magnitude of the loss because I’ve been so afraid that if I let myself REALLY feel it I wouldn’t be able to get back up and keep fighting. But now? Now I’m going to have to have it over for dinner and sit down and have a conversation with it.

Cancer does not define someone. And I refuse to let it define me. Tracy never defined herself by her cancer. Instead I want my cancer and my battle with it to be yet another testament to how strong I am. That no matter what I am hit with or how raw a deal I may get I am still going to claw my way back up and come out better then what I was when I started.

So for now I am resting and building up my strength for Friday. My very last chemo. EVER!!! I just have to get through ONE more. And then? Well, the possibilities for my future are pretty endless.

Love, Love, Love!

Never Fear, I’m Still Here!

Once again I have slacked on blogging and I do apologize.  I was going to write an update this week but I got quite a few emails over the past few days asking why I haven’t posted and to make sure all is ok.  So I figured I would take time on this rainy Sunday to blog away.  I apologize for the delay and I hope I’m forgiven. 🙂

So I am now down to 2 chemos. Yes you read that right. I only have 2 more chemo treatments left and then I’m DONE!! No more chemo, no more cancer, no more feeling like poop, no more being exhausted from a walk to the bathroom. I’m not quite sure how to put into words just how elated I am about this.  The thought that in just 3 short weeks I will be done with this part of my life has me so ecstatic that one minute I’m crying form the sheer joy of it to randomly doing happy dances all over the place.  Just the other day I was sitting in the waiting room at a dr’s appt when “2 more chemos” came to mind and I busted out with a happy dance in my chair. A couple of people gave me an odd look, of course, but all I did was smile and say, “It’s a good day!”.

Now things haven’t been easy for me the past few weeks.  The fingers on my right hand have swollen and hurt so writing and even typing has become a pain.  My thrush is back but I’m hoping it doesn’t turn into Black Hairy Tongue this time.  I’ve also been incredibly low on energy and this bothers me to no end.  I hate feeling exhausted all the time.  I’m not used to it. I’m an active girl with boundless amounts of energy but chemo has taken that away, for now. I also had to have a biopsy last week.  I seem to have a rash along my spine and since my oncologist wasn’t sure what it was he sent me to a Dermo who took a biopsy and then stitched me up. So I have 3 or 4 stitches in my back. I’m telling you I’m acquiring some sexy scars. Thank god I have such a pretty face, a rock’n bod and a sparkling personality to boot. Oh and I’m very modest. LOL! I should be getting the results to the biopsy next week. 

Last week I went to Mohonk Mtn House with my sister Liza and her kiddos, Lily and Rowan.  MMH is absolutely beautiful and I highly recommend a weekend get away there for lovers of nature and adventure.  There was hiking, kayaking, horseback riding, swimming, campfires and even a spa! Lily and Ro rode horses for the first time and they did amazing. Rowan looked so little on his horse but wasn’t afraid at all and Lily was a pro.  She showed no fear taking control of her horse anytime he felt like stopping for a snack on the trail. It was so cool to be a part of that. We also did some hiking and rock scrambling.  By far the coolest thing was the rock scrambling.  It was 45 minutes of climbing up rocks, through rocks, crawling through tunnels and climbing up ladders.  I had to stop to take a few breaks but I wasn’t going to not finish it. Lils and Ro were so patient with me.  They made sure to go slow and called out when we hit a new obstacle yelling out helpful tips for me.  And they were also my biggest cheerleaders telling me that I could do it and I’m tough and strong and “look what you did Aunt Jamie, you’re doing better then other people and you had chemo yesterday!” Aren’t they great?

When we finally got to the very top of the mountain I started to cry a bit. I was just so overwhelmed with emotions.  It felt like the scramble/hike that I just did was a metaphor to my fight with cancer.  To look down and see how far I had come and that no matter how much it hurt and how tired I got I pushed on. It gave me a whole new appreciation of not only for myself but for other people who battle cancer on a daily basis.  Many times I have fallen victim to beating myself up and telling myself that I should be able to fight cancer, live my life to the fullest, and find a job.  I constantly feel like I should be doing more and if I’m not then I’m failing. But I’ve realized that I’m doing a hell of a lot.  So what if some things take me a bit longer then others. So what if I’ve had a bit of a tough journey thus far in my life. I wouldn’t trade one part of it. Sounds crazy right? But all that I have been through, be it cancer, losing my sister, tough relationships, and difficulty with getting into my career, has made me the person I am today. And quiet honestly I think I’m pretty great.  (Again with my modesty.)

If everything in life was handed to me or made easy for me I would never be able to appreciate and enjoy all the amazing little moments and really love all the momentous ones.  If I hadn’t ever been through a hard time then I probably would have cracked and not known how to cope or look for help when I truly needed it.  Plus I probably would have missed out on some major life lessons that have made me a more loving, compassionate and even a passionate person.

My life has been messy, and not just the past 10 months. A major chunk of my life really has been messy and jumbled and sometimes a little out of control.  But it has been a beautiful life thus far.  One that has taught me not only that there are times when I need to just sit back and enjoy the ride but it’s taught me even more about myself.  I really am strong. And my determination to reach my goals is even stronger.  Cancer has almost been like somebody who has doubted me. Someone who has told me that I will never achieve my dreams of marriage, family, a successful career, and a long happy life.  And of those that know me know how I handle people who doubt me. I do all that I can to prove them wrong, stick it to them and then take GREAT satisfaction in it. 

So cancer is my biggest critic, my rival and “someone” who just doesn’t believe in me. Cancer has offered up a challenge to me. And I gladly accept.  I feel bad. It really isn’t going to be a fair fight.


Me , Liza, Lily and Ro




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Love, Love, Love!