Happy 8th Birthday Jack!!!

Yesterday was a day for great celebration.  For on that day, 8 years ago, my nephew Jack was born! And let me tell you, when Jack was born the world became a different place!

My boy Jack is a big brown-eyed, chubby cheeked, gorgeous boy.  He is a football super star and is absolutely addicted to CHIPS! ANY chips will do, just don’t come between Jack and his chips!

Jack will do anything for his Mommy whether it’s getting her a bottle of water or helping out with chores.  He loves to spend time with his daddy and look forward to their time spent together.  He’s always first down the stairs to give big old hugs when he knows family has come to visit and will sit and talk with you, telling all about school, his friends or the team he’s playing all.

And my boy is SMART!! He knows Spanish, he always says his prayers at night and love with his whole, BIG heart!

So I would y’all please take this moment to wish my nephew Jack a VERY VERY  VERY Happy 8th Birthday and send him lots and lots of birthday hugs, kisses and well wishes for the coming year?

Happy Birthday JackMan!

Love, Love, Love!

Aunt Jamie

Don’t You Wish Your Boyfriend Was Awesome Like Mine?

In just less than 2 weeks my super, awesome BF is taking me away on all expenses paid vacation for my birthday.  Where is he taking me you ask? DUH! Only the most magical place on EARTH!!

We’re going to Disney! We’re going to Disney! We’re going to Disney!

Laugh if you must but I am über excited to go on my first REAL trip ( I was about 2 the last time I was there) to Disney World. I’m stoked to also be there at the same time as my 2 other sisters and their families and we get to see Kev’s family! That means we also get to see one of my BFFs, KATIE!! WOOT!

So the countdown has begun.  We leave July 5th! Only 12 more days!

We’re going to Disney! We’re going to Disney!

Love! Love! Love!

Today was a HOT one!

Lots to go over today.  Mostly little things, but updates none the less, so let’s get to it.

Today I did a short 20 miler.  I was feeling a bit off today so I didn’t want to push it but I wanted to get a ride in none the less.  My brother (in law) Jeff gave me his clipless pedals for me to use. He swears by them and says that they are key for long rides.  So last week he put them on my bike and today I gave them a go. The verdict? I LOVE them!! They are fantastic and have no idea why I’ve been riding without them for so long.  They help when you need to climb hills, plus the push-pull motion you use helps you to work different legs muscles so you don’t get tired out quickly.  Clipping out was relative easy, however clipping in was a pain in my arse.  It took forever for me to clip in.  I know that over time it will become 2nd nature but for now it’s a pain.  But all in all I HIGHLY recommend getting them if you are a serious rider.

So aside from getting to test out my new pedals today I finally biked the full North Country Trailway.  The southern half of the trail is actually pretty easy.  It’s relatively flat without to many inclines.  A very easy ride indeed.  However I felt totally off today.  I had a bit of a flutter in my chest and then started to get tunnel vision.  I’ve passed out 3 times now (twice in a doctors office and one in an ex-boyfriends bathroom) so I knew if I ignored these symptoms I would soon be passing out on my bike, while being clipped in.  So my mom and I found some shade and took a break.  I sucked down tons of water and laid down to steady my heart and breathing.  I was pretty pissed I was feeling all this and I sat there racking my brain trying to figure out why I would be experiencing the sudden symptoms.  I got a good night sleep, I was dressed appropriately for the conditions, I had a good breakfast…. what gives?  You know what gives? Most mornings I suck down a at least 2 bottles of water.  This morning? NONE!! UGH! I can’t believe I totally spaced on that.  So I was basically dehydrated as hell.  God I’m a dip!!! Needless to say I drank my mom’s water and the water I brought with me and was able to finish my ride.  But as soon as I got home I drank my 2 bottles of water and took a nap.  ::sigh::

Lastly, I have been directed to a website that I think you all should go to.  It’s called KeyandBenWalk.com.  These 2 gentlemen are walking from Florida to NYC to raise $20,000 for Breast Cancer!!  How cool is that?  You can follow their progress at their site as well as donate.  I urge you to go donate and cheer them on.

One more thing  ::insert shameless plug here:: my ride is nearly 3 months away.  I am shooting to raise $5000. However I would LOVE to raise even more. So go donate, PLEASE?  And check out my route so that you can come cheer me on! Don’t forget, it’s the first weekend of October so I better see tons of you there. Family, friends, people I talk to all the time, people I’ve never met, people I haven’t talked to or seen in forever, heck people I may have had a falling out with. Come cheer me on and all is forgiven! HA!

Love Love Love

Happy Birthday JP!!!

Do you know what yesterday was? NO, not Flag Day! Are you Kidding me? It was my nephew, JP’s, Birthday!! THAT’S why all the flags were up!!

So yesterday my blue-eyed, blondie gentleman turned 11! Can you believe it? So much to say, so much to wish him!

JP, do you have any idea just how much you are loved?  You are loved from the moon back, and then some.  I’m surprised your heart hasn’t burst with all the love that surges toward it each day.

You are an amazing guy.  You are my little gentleman. You hold doors, give great hugs and kisses whenever I ask and have taken care of me when I didn’t feel very good.  AND SMART!! I can’t even to begin to talk about how smart you not only are in school but with reading people and their emotions and knowing what they need.

JP I don’t think I could ever properly put into words just how much I adore you and enjoy every single minute that I get to share with you.  I am so very proud and honored to be your Aunt.

Don’t ever forget how much WE ALL love you and will always be here for you my LAX playing, marathon racing, snowboarding SUPERSTAR!!!


Oh Heaven, Jason is 11!!!!

Happy Birthday Handsome!!!

Love Love Love you!

The Wicked Witch of the EAST!

Holy Hormones Batman!

So it’s no secret that when you undergo chemo as a woman, often times you lose your period and get thrown into early menopause.  The younger you are the better chance you have to “reversing” that and getting your period back.  This is key for me because although I preemptively froze some of my eggs, as an insurance policy, I still hope that I don’t need to dip into that little reserve.  But it’s there if needed.

For me it has been over a year since I lost my period.  No cause for alarm because sometimes it can take up to 2 to 5 years before that region of the body gets it together.  However, once a month I tend to get cramps. Ladies you know what cramps I’m talking about.  They last a few hours and then *POOF* they are gone.  Well the past 2 months not only have I been getting cramps, but I’ve been feeling bloated and I become an emotional wreck.  I go from happy and fun to crying hysterically and then I roll right into angry, pissy, snotty and completely irrational.  I feel like I’m 14, hitting puberty all over again.  My God is it awful!

And of course my parents and Kevin get the full brunt of it all.  My parents try their best to ignore me, though my father has expressed that he has already dealt with this 4 times and is “too old to go through it again”.  But Kevin, he is just an innocent, sweet, guy who is at a complete loss as to what he should do.  He keeps saying, “all I want to do is make you happy and do whatever it takes to keep things easy for you but I have NO CLUE as to what to do now.”  He just stares at me wide-eyed as I rip into him for not reading my mind and then start to bawl because I hate life and the world is against me and then bound into my happy emotion with such swiftness it leaves his head spinning.

Often times I catch him and my mom in huddled, quiet conversations, sharing notes and discussing my latest mood swing and hoping that the happy trip I’m on lasts longer because I was a beast just 2 days ago.  (DON’T THINK I DON”T KNOW WHAT YOU SAY ABOUT ME!!!!)

Ugh I’m awful! I know! But going through it is so much worse than having to deal with it.  They can just walk away, shut the door, or not answer my calls. But I have to live through the friggen turmoil.  The only thing that is keeping me sane is that when Kevin and I discussed what was going on with my oncologist he said that he has heard this a lot from women who were about to start their period again.  The body is starting to regulate itself and get it together. So I dearly hold on to this little nugget of info in hopes that it is truth and the my period does indeed return soon.

Yes I want to be bothered once a month with my period. The cramps, the bloating, the emotions and the tampons.  Because that is yet another step to returning to normal.

As for my hair? It’s getting there!

Love, Love, Love!